Please complete the booking form below or alternatively please email or call us with your booking or questions and we will return your email/call as soon as possible to confirm or discuss availability. You are welcome to include alternative dates in the special instructions in case we are not able to accept your first choice. Our small print can also be found on the website on the Terms & Conditions page.
If there is any problem using the online form, simply give us a call on any of the following numbers: 01455 293152, 07776474503, 07775810569. Or email [email protected]
Please note that for all bookings we ask that the Specialists are not left alone with the children. We want staff to be aware that we are there to educate and/or entertain, not crowd manage/manage behaviour etc. and require adults to be present for these reasons. We generally advise numbers of up to ninety per schools booking. If you would like more, please discuss it with us on booking.