Romans Vs Boudica School Visits
Transport your class back in time to the year 61CE!
Maximus Fabius Manlius Gregorius is a Roman Legionary whilst Laelia is a fearsome Gladiatrix (who wishes she could pass as a man to join the Legions). This exciting Roman day may well be the best Specialists visit ever. It can be booked for one – three classes for a full day or a half day.
In local schools, two Specialists can attend and Lisa will sometimes adopt the guise of Boudica, the famous Warrior Queen of the Iceni. In this case, two form entry schools will get Specialist-led sessions for all children all day. Further afield, two and three form entry schools can be accommodated with some teacher-led sessions and we have enough resources for all children to be occupied on Roman/Celt sessions all day.
Below is an outline of a typical Roman Visit.
The soldier or gladiatrix summons the children by blowing loudly upon the Cornu. After introductions, there is discussion of the impact of Roman conquest in Britain. Every day clothing, objects and way of life are discussed and volunteers are picked for dressing up.

Roman Legionary
Roman Legionary
In this session, the Specialist will share the Impedimenta (the Roman Legionary’s Marching Pack), deconstructing it piece by piece and passing objects around for handling. Some of the weaponry can also be handled by children as volunteers are asked to show their warlike skills! Children form a testudo (tortoise formation) using our class set of wooden scuta (shields). Stories of war are shared as well as descriptions of Roman siege engines. This session demonstrates clearly to children the might of the Roman army.

Boudica & the Celts
Boudica & the Celts
This session can be presented by the fearsome figure of Boudica herself. Storytelling in the oral tradition is used to share Boudica’s most famous exploits with the children and various dramatic techniques are employed to consolidate learning. Finally, children can decorate their own brooch using Celtic patterns. (We bring safety pins; card to be provided in school, please.)
Nationwide, this session is adapted to be teacher-led. It helps children to understand the lives of ordinary Celts at the time and also incorporates Art/DT skills.
Roman Forum
The Roman Forum
This session is structured in three separate but related sections which the children carousel around throughout the hour. It offers an amazing opportunity to handle many authentic objects most of which are of museum quality.
Dressing Up/Object Handling
Children can dress up in child-sized versions of Gregorius’ legionary armour & helmet and pose for photos with an Auxiliary’s shield. A selection of objects are available for careful handling.

Votive Making
Children are directed in how to craft their own Roman votive from clay (provided by The Specialists).
This session incorporates Art/DT.
Various writing tools are shown including wax tablets and styli. Children learn ancient versions of our alphabet using Roman dip pens and ink (paper to be provided in school, please).

Gladiator School & Pastimes
Gladiator School & Pastimes
Laelia displays her Gladiatrix kit and volunteers are chosen to dress up in some of it. She then instructs the children in the use of our class set of wooden spears and nets. Roman pastimes are then discussed and children have the opportunity to play with a range of Roman games. These can include marbles, dice games, tabula and our class sets of real knucklebones and authentically reproduced Ludus Latrunculorum.

Roman Myths & Storytelling

We always end the day with storytelling as a whole group, ideally fitting in a myth, told traditionally as well as one of our much-appreciated “silly stories” when all can join in together.
We, Greg and Lisa, work fully in role. This means that we use our subject knowledge to respond to questions as people from the past would do. This historical interpreter’s commitment to authenticity is tempered with a teacher’s sense of appropriateness though – so we do not swear (as some reenactors will in school, claiming that this was the way it was!). Our focus is on the educational experience for the children and what serves them best, so the sessions are interactive and involve everyone.
The day is fully risk assessed and this can be emailed upon request. Confirmation of booking is taken as a contract between the school and The Specialists and acceptance of our T & C’s.
Greg and Lisa McCarthy have many years of experience working with children. Greg is a teacher and Lisa a former Occupational Therapist in learning disabilities. Both have DBS and public liability insurance.
Resources are meticulously researched and authentic to the period.
Roman school visits for education. We provide a living history and reenactment service as historical interpreters focusing on the Invaders and Settlers topic. As re-enactors, we use storytelling/myths, songs, dance, writing using runes and artefacts such as toys and games, brooches, full viking raider kit etc. to bring the excitement of real history to your classroom.

Some of the locations we travel to for our Romans workshops are:
East-Midlands, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, Leamington, Leicester, Hinckley, Nottingham, Coventry, Birmingham, Tamworth, Derbyshire, , Chesterfield, Ilkeston, Swadlincote, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Mansfield, Worksop, Newark, Loughborough, Melton Mowbray, Coalville, Lutterworth, Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough, Nuneaton, Solihull, Warwick, Rugby, West Midlands.